With our local roots, Lowe Electrical is passionate about enhancing our County of Leicestershire; to build local resilience, support local charity and community causes and develop local skills and knowledge.
We provide work experience placements throughout the year and offer the most talented individuals a place on our award winning 48-month Apprenticeship programme that has been in place for 27 years. Lowe Electrical are proud to recruit locally and responsibly, and will continue supporting the employment of people in Leicestershire.
Lowe Electrical is proud to support our local community through sponsorship, donation and active personal voluntary involvement. Many sports clubs, schools and charities have benefited over the years, and as a Company we ensure this is an integral part of our social value.
We support our City’s Sustainability Programme through our ISO14001 Environmental Standard, and have continual aims and goals to strengthen Leicester’s resources and improve the lives of residents. Our commitment to improving the environment we live and work in is at the core of our business.